After all this time, a blog... why now?
I asked myself this question just now while wondering what to write for my first post and it kinda made sense... to write a short note on me... and why i feel the need to get my thoughts in the digital archives once and for all.
While i'm no stranger to writing and have kept a journal for many years of my life, mostly it was private musings, nothing i would want to share ;) ... nothing of value, cept the negative ramblings of mid-twenty something child who knew nothing about life... lest of all why she was so unhappy.
Today my life is very much different. I am different. Happiness follows me about like woodland animals do in a disney movie...
... ok so maybe not too disney or that would be a bit sickeningly sweet for even my taste...
but really, my life is actually amazing. Short of a couple of songbirds singin 'good morining' to me on my way to work, it couldn't get any better. And i can tell you it has nothing to do with winning the lottery or finding the love of my life... though i'm sure they both would have been nice ;) The main thing that has changed is me. These days i create my own reality, live in the moment, perceive the truth and not my ego, and most importantly have no fear.
Then just when i thought working on myself was enough... events transpired that had me consider helping others with their own lives and demons. Firstly friends and family noticed the change in me and welcomed it. Maybe it was the positive energy around me... but they started seeking me out for my time which usually came with my advice or help. They listened, embraced what i had to say, made changes i suggested and afterwards the feedback was amazing. Secondly i met a few individuals who were already in the same frame as me and taught it to others. They encouraged me to grow, develop and possibly want to teach too. Thirdly i was constantly being given opportunities to move toward my goal on a professional level.
I'm still learning... like a sponge i'm soaking it all up and thirsty for more. In the meantime i'm writing this blog so i can share some of the words & wisdom that have helped me become what i am today. Hopefully if you're here reading this its because, of course, you've been looking for just that...
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